This is my first article on home based business so if you want to succeed and get out of your financial debt and make some realistic extra money just pay attention! I was currently in the same situation that you are currently at now now knowing how to make it to the next month living pay check to pay check. Until I started seeing how much money people was making with a work at home job. A work at home job would be just what I needed for a second source of income . And you know what it turn out great. I was always taught that if you just believe in your self and the good Lord! Everything else will follow!I have been searching the Internet to come up with a second source of income and I have come up with quite a few. But most of them are trying to either lure you in for the kill or charge you anywhere from $50 to thousands of dollars just to get started. I can say this I have personally found out the hard way on quite a few resulting in losing thousands of dollars and bad credit. Boy what a bomber. One of the worst ones out their is a credit card site where they say you can make anywhere from 1 thousand dollars a month to 50 thousands a month. But I am not going to disclose the name of the site. The CEO was a very powerful speaker He sure did know how to lure us in. Boy did me and my wife fall into it. They seen us coming a mile away. Fortunate after this long journey of pain knot know my head from the other end.The advice that I give to everybody that reads this Article about Home based business needs to be aware of the wolf in sheep clothing. Be careful and sleep on it for a day, and the next day if you still think that is a good program then go ahead and buy them by all means. But make sure you do your homework before you submit to any make money on the Internet program. Or you can learn the hard way like I did. I have found a few to make some realistic extra money. Making a program to produce massive amounts of cash is not an easy job!Their isn’t program that I have ran across that will generate massive amounts of cash without doing homework. Since I’m spending so much time on the Internet I was looking for a Home based business that works. I thought it would be good for me to see if it was at least possible to make money on the Internet.Guess what I found some of the best home based business programs .Boy now that I have found them how would I promote them? Well after I done research on my business and how to bring it up to the top ranking . I first tried AdWords but after weeks of using them I still didn’t get to the top. So I started going solo and doing everything by research. My first thing that I did was go a search term for keywords for my web site. After that I had to make sure that the keywords was relevant to my web site. After that and I was happy with that I had to come up with a good and catchy name for my home page , I did research to make sure that it was a very unusually one and it wasn’t being used and I think that I cane up with the perfect home based business name and was very happy.The next thing to do was to create an article to announce to the world that my web site was up and running. The reason that you do this is article generally tend to give a higher ranking than regular web pages. And article can give your home based business new life and on top of this its free. Their are free web site optimization out their. That in itself along with keyword optimization will help your site ranking. After all these things are done to publish your home based business after that all you have to do now is getting back links . Before you get back links make sure its in the same business market that you are currently in it will bring up your ranking with search engines. The more the merry. You can manually submit your site to search engines it is a very long process but it is possible and can be done. So you really don’t have to pay for most of these things unless you have a lot of money to just waste. If you do all these things your ranking will go up and after this all you have to do is fine tune everything! What do I mean by fine tuning your home based business opportunity you ask? That means getting the appropriate keywords for every page of your work at home job. And every page that you have must be optimize for better search engine results. You want good search engine results for your home business.Good results means more money and more products being sold. Now you see why it is very important for you to have good key words optimization. All this will insure an very productive work at home job. With a very productive home based business you can do a lot! But this isn’t going to be an easy task. It could take anywhere from 1 to numerous hours to get everything just right for the search engines to pick it up. Ensure that you don’t have any broken links will help out a lot when the search engines search your site and they come across a broken link and they stop in their tracks. That could cost your home based job thousands of dollars just for that mess up.After you are up and running and need to know how your home based business is tracking as far as search engines I suggest that you type in one of your main keywords and see where your home based business is located on the Internet. Their is a lot of things that run in conjunction with web site optimization for your home based job. That brings up the page reverence in conjunction with your keywords did you know for every keyword that you use for your home based business that you need to have a web page in conjunction with that keyword. That got your attention about doing your research on your home based business! To check the amount of traffic that a key word receives type in the symbol ~ it is right under the escape key. I recommend some of the top key words and some of the lower ranking ones to cover all angles of your home based business. This way you would have maximum conversion for your home based business. Well that’s about covers it about how to get the most from your home based business. Home based business from family man! Good luck!